People and Culture Of Nepal – Things You Should Know

People and Culture Of Nepal – Things You Should Know

Snowy mountaintops reaching into the sky, gently bellowing yaks, fluttering prayer flags. That is the mental image of Nepal half the world possesses. But, Nepal is a lot more than these, situated in the southern Himalayas; Nepal is a country full of different ethnic groups, various festivals, breathtaking scenery, and rich culture. Other than the natural beauty, the place posses unique culture, an age-old tradition, and a bright mix of ethnicity and religion. Here are a few things about the culture, tradition, and the people of Nepal which you must know before visiting this amalgamated wonderland.

People and Culture Of Nepal – Things You Should Know

Culture In Nepal – 

Culture in Nepal has been acquired from the idea or the way of life in this Nation. Nepalese culture is one of a kind and is something to mingle in and relish. Nepal’s culture has been passed from generation to generation, and therefore, people in Nepal showcase their culture with immense pride and love. Nepal’s culture is quite old, but it is one of the most talked-about and fascinating cultures globally. Nepal possesses a fantastic sense of diversity in various parts, including geography, ethnicity, tradition, religion, or culture. One can experience multiple twists through the different parts of Nepal. The culture and the tradition of Nepal is an amazing amalgamation of its ethnicity, values, beliefs, which makes the experience of visiting Nepal one of its kind.

Culture and Traditions of Nepal

Tradition In Nepal – 

Being a country filled with varied mixtures, Nepal’s tradition is also a bright mix of ethnicity and religion. Every culture there has its own significance. People in Nepal are positively and firmly bonded with their tradition and follow everything related to it religiously. According to the Nepalese culture, life is a gift, and every person is to be regarded as a god. And as life is the most significant gift of their existence, therefore they celebrate every event of it with full zeal and zest. Hence, the people in the country are happy, joyful, and lively.

Culture of Nepal – Nepal Embassy Dhaka

Ethnicity In Nepal –

The ethnicity in-country is based on the diverse geography of the country. The country’s ethnicity is divided into three groups, namely, Indigenous Nepalese, Indo-Nepalese, and Tibeto-Nepalese. All three groups have a distinct origin, culture, and lifestyle, making Nepal and its culture a treat to explore. –

  • The Tibeto-Nepalese community is said to be migrated from Tibet. They have been settled in the mountainous range of Nepal. Their culture is similar to that of the Tibetian society due to their origin. They possess a Mongolid appearance.
  • The indigenous Nepalese are those Nepalese who existed in Nepal before the arrival of the various other ethnic groups. They are the oldest community in Nepal. Their culture is deeply rooted in traditional Nepalese traditions and ways. This community mostly resides in the country’s hilly regions and makes up about 37% of Nepal’s population. The community in itself has varied groups and sub-groups, making it very diverse in itself as well.
  • The Indo-Nepalese, who migrated from India, residing in the Hilly and Terai regions of the Nation. These include the fertile lands, and thus their primary occupation during ancient times was farming. The Indian ways mostly influence Their culture, and the Indo-Nepalese have an Aryan complexion. They compose most of Nepal’s population, and their reach can be found in almost all Nepal regions.

Manoj khadka Blogging: Ethic Groups of Nepal

Both the people and culture in Nepal are quite exciting and diverse. It is undoubtedly something that one should not miss. With the mixed ethnicity and geography, Nepal is one of the must be experienced first-hand at least once in a lifetime.